SV Thespians

Thespian Troupe #2094 is an honorary organization that recognizes and rewards excellence among participants in the theater arts program.

Thespian membership should be viewed as an honor. Seneca Valley’s Thespian Troupe is a member of the Educational Theatre Association (EDTA) and International Thespian Society (ITS). The mission of EdTA/ITS is to promote and strengthen theatre in education.

Students in grades 9-12 may apply for membership and induction, usually in May.  The standards for induction are set by EdTA/ITS and include participation in one high school production and also a points-based system, awarded based on involvement in theater in the school and community.

The Thespians support all theatre opportunities at SV, including the All-School Musical, Middle School Musical, the 9-10 IHS Play, and the Spring Thespian Play.  They serve as cast and crew members, mentors, and student directors and producers. 

They participate in the Homecoming Carnival at times, and the Activities Fair, and also hold various theatre-related activities each month.  In the past, the club has held combat workshops, a community fundraiser and show around Christmas time, improv workshops, and a theatre games night.  They usually attend one production together in Pittsburgh each year.  Students must pay the school activity fee and be on the drug testing list to participate.      

Awards presented at the end of the year banquet recognize Best Actor, Best Actress, and Best Thespian.

The group is advised by Intermediate High English teacher Ms. Amber Hugus, who can be reached at

Thespian Motto: “Act well your part; there all the honor lies.”